Corona beer’s international expansion began in the South and Southwestern regions of the United States — with American tourists returning home from Mexico, bringing with them a taste for the beer they had enjoyed on the sunny beaches of Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta. Corona Extra was introduced to the U.S. in 1979, and the Corona brand quickly became synonymous with the American beach-and-barbecue lifestyle. Since then, Corona has added a few more drinks to kick back with, providing additional choices for everyone who already is living La Vida Más Fina. But the story doesn't end here; the Corona brand is just getting started. In the late 1980s, people started asking for a more calorie-conscious beer that didn’t skimp on taste. Corona listened, introducing Corona Light to U.S. customers in 1989; it's now a favorite among those seeking a light beer that’s full of flavor and anything but ordinary. Some time, a Corona and a lime. That’s La Vida Más Fina.